I saw Hustle and Flow on Friday. It was a good character study.The acting was really good and it was very entertaining. I hope the actors and actresses get numerous acting nominations.

My life is tremedously boring right now. I only pray things look up before college starts. Their is only one Troy Garity fansite thing and I am seriously thinking of leaving it. I get aggravated on the site and go off on certain(One Person) people. It brings out the bad( I'm a good roman-catholic girl) in me. I just truly hate(not really hate but disapprove) negative and controlling people. It suffocateing being on that site(with this person around) but I keep coming back. Like a true Troy Garity addict. I hope more sites come around.
I should start my own about him. But, I'd proubaly screw it up. So instead I return to the site and question and become inraged over a certain member. Who for some reason dislikes me. Whuich I guess is fair, because I dislike her(or him) as well.

In Other Good News. I got a new Ipod on July 19, 2005

My sister bought me an Color Ipod with 5,000 songs and pictures. I am constantly adding picture (or Troy, my family and other crap) and my favorite songs. It really made my day when Kizzy gave it to me.