Wednesday, November 08, 2006

This was emailed to me last night by Carole a Katherine Heigl fan. I have got to buy this magazine when it comes out next month. Thank you Carole from Connecticut.

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Thursday, November 02, 2006

My guess from the Rosie blog was right he is engaged to be married.
Eonline confirmed what I was thinking

I got this really cool email the other day from this girl named Keisha. She's a senior at VCU. She's working on the film Lake City in Richmond. Keisha said that Troy was quirky and also extremely nice and introduced himself to her. She found my blog while trying to find more info on him. Because she had no ideal who he was. Only that he looked like the guy from the Barbershop movies.

I got lots of cards and very halloween related presents. Lots of skulls, witch crap and other junk. But, it was the thought that counted.