Orientation is in a week. I have everything I need for Virginia. I am still shopping for new clothes and shoes. It's my weekness. I leave for Virginia on the 23rd. The next time I come home it will be for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I really want to start my own Troy Garity Fan Site. Because, I don't really like the one I'm on now. No one communicates or shares anything. It's so dead there. I just need to start my own and get some information on building websites.
Here is a new Troy link
More Off The Chain Info

My new Chemical Romance shirt. I love Gerard Way so much. I bought it today at this really cool book store. I also got the new Bust magazine with Justin Theroux on the cover. I have to remember to renew my subsribtion for Virginia.

Claire's lime grren hearse is gone forever. I will miss it so.
Six Feet Under was amazing Sunday night. Claire is drunk, David is messed up, Brenda's delivering early, Keith is becoming a wonderful father to the boys, Ruth wants Maya and Rico is stepping up and starting his own business with Vanessa's help. Rico and Vanessa are much better together. Just one more episode and it's all over.