Elliot was in the bottom two. Paris is going home tonight(really sad news). Elliott is around for another week. I'm happy happy happy.

The ending of Lost was crazy as hell tonight. Ana Lucia is dead and Libby was shot through a pillow and Michael Dawson is an asshole. Who the hell is the real Henry Gale??? Ana Lucia worked for Jacks's dad and met Sawyer once before the Island in Sydney. I was the only person I know who actually liked Ana Lucia's character and now she gone. Here is a short but sweet re-cap of the last scene.

Ana-Lucia can't kill Henry Gale after he tried to kill her. So Michael tell Ana he'll shoot Henry instead. Ana gives Michael the combo to the safe and then all hell breaks loose.

Michael shoots Ana-Lucia

Ana-Lucia reacts and is shocked

After Michael shot's Ana he apologized to her. (Like he stepped on her big toe). Then Libby comes hop, skip and jumping into the hatch holding a pillow over her stomach and gets her ass shot up a whole bunch of times. Ana just got it once. But Libby got it twice.

Then frees Henry Gale( real name unknown)

Then Michael shoots himself in the arm (I wish in the face, but dreams can't come true). I really hate Michael now.

Other things I notice. Also, Claire might just be Jack's sister. Ana met Jack's dad at the airport and became he's private security in Australia . Sawyer bumped into them outside of a Sydney bar. Ana-Lucia's mother was played by wonderfully talented Rachel Ticotin. Ana also got it on with Sawyer (Angry sex style kinda action)

Ana's Mom

Jack's Dad

Sawyer and Ana Do It

Ana-Lucía Cortez R.I.P.