We'll I finally got to celebrate my 18th birthday properly this Saturday. First thing I did was get my hair braided again and got my first manicure and pedicure. Which felt sorta weird but I liked it at the same time as well. I bought a new pink dress and a silver African necklace. Natalia and I went out to a really nice soul food resturant and had some good food.

Here's the dress with my hair up and down (Forgive the vanity but I really love this dress. I doubt I'll ever wear it anytime soon)

Also I'm working on two papers right now on Assata Shakur & Alice Walker. I got alot of positive comments on my Howard Zinn paper. I started reading his books back in Junior High School. I just love his quote "You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train.". I am going to rent his documentary this weekend, my professor recommended that I see it.

I'm reading these two books right now
Sisters of the Yam: Black Women and Self-Recovery by bell hooks
I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith